16 January, 2014

Michelle Obama Won’t Rule Out Using Plastic surgery And Botox

The first lady, Michelle Obama has given us the shock of our lives by saying she may try plastic surgery or Botox procedure on her body soon, Michelle who turned 50 this week wants to live her life to the fullest, it is reported that Beyonce and Diana Ross will be performing at her grand reception, it is not that she is advocating for women to start making use of cosmetic surgery, she is only expressing herself not like
Julia Robert who wants to age gracefully and Cameron Diaz who will never try botox again.
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“Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves,” she said. “Right now, I don’t imagine that I would go that route, but I’ve also learned to never say never.” Michelle is having a healthy lifestyle, she has never missed a health checkup, including mammograms and Pap smears. She’s also had a colonoscopy. “I don’t obsess about what I eat, but I do make sure that I’m eating vegetables and fruit,” added Mrs. Obama. “And as everyone knows, I do exercise.” Her “Let’s Move”
Michelle Obama Won't Rule Out Using Plastic surgery And Botox
On a personal note, Michelle says she dreams of seeing the ‘places that make this planet beautiful’ over the next two decades before hitting 70. ‘I still haven’t seen the Hoover Dam. I want to stay and have a meal, try the local dish and shop in a little shop.’
 Talking about those who will perform for her on her birthday, Valerie Jarrett, a senior White House adviser who is close to the Obamas, will not say if Beyonce will be there. The Obama family loves Beyonce and we are expecting she honours this event

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