07 February, 2014

Chita Agwu Prefer To Act Half Nude Or Sexy Than Acting Nude

Actress and Television presenter Chita Agwu is beautiful and brainy. Chita has been around for a while and she is one adventurous creative mind that has kept exploring every new opportunity that cross her way. While acting and attending social gathering nude has worked for some celebrities, some thinks half nude can simply do the magic and Chita Agwu is one of them.

Every other actress in her league have always agree at every opportunity they have to reach their fans that acting nude is not their style, Chita agreed that acting nude is not also her style, but she can act half nude and sexy. She believe that her beauty is enough to trap any man of her choice. Chita who is in a serious relationship at the moment also confirm that there is nothing she can get from a man that she doesn’t have. The only thing she prefer most is loyalty, God fearing and in her relationship and her man of choice must be handsome.

Chita who have not done any major work this year says she will be heading for locations soon, she says she already has six scripts and she is studying them accordingly.Chita currently live a luxury life. We heard she is currently working on buying over a property of choice in Lekki. Our hovering bird gathered that she is already negotiation through a property company.

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