13 February, 2014

Bruce Jenner Tells Lamar Odom He Can Do Whatever He Wants With His Body

Bruce Jenner has been on the spotlight lately not because he is separated from Kris Jenner, but because he is alleged to have a second thought of being a man, the rumours that he is preparing to transition into becoming a woman is hitting up day by day that Kim Kardashian have to hurry her wedding if she will have a father who will walk with Nori during her wedding, Bruce has told Lamar Odom that he is free to do whatever he wants with his body and he doesn’t pay attention to what is said about him.

With each new photo of Bruce , it seems, the evidence is mounting, a shocking transformation of his appearance is underway, and experts believes he is feminizing his features. Bruce has told Lamar he will do what he wants to his body’ in the wake of allegations that he wants to become a woman. Since the two guys broke out of the home of the Kardashians, they have met to talk.
Bruce Jenner Tells Lamar Odom He Can Do Whatever He Wants With His Body
They laugh about the news like that because Bruce really doesn’t pay attention to what people say, especially the media. All he ever tells Lamar is he is going to do whatever the f**k it is he wants to do with his body and nobody’s going to stop him. He said he is having fun and enjoying his life, finally.

While those close to Bruce say he wants to become a woman, he has hesitations and it’s because of his children. He doesn’t want to be an embarrassment for Kendall and Kylie Jenner. To protect the welfare of his daughters is his priority now… This is not the first time Bruce has been in the media for undergoing plastic surgery procedures, so this is probably not shocking news to his family…. Whether or not they understand or agree with it is hard to predict.

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