31 October, 2013

OJB Had A Successful Surgery And is Finally Discharged From Hospital

Veteran ace producer, OJB Jezreel has undergone a successful kidney surgery in India and has been discharged.
OJB Jezreel did a wise thing by releasing an official statement on the good news.
Read the statement Below:

Dear fellow Nigerians.
Greetings from far away India !I am sure this note from me will catch you with a little surprise. I have been reading a lot of news about ME being published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different Blogs by my good friends.
I thought I must take out a quick moment and let you know that I am officially discharged today from the hospital, after a successful Kidney Transplantation Surgery, by God’s Grace. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Nigerians for your prayers & good wishes, without which all this would not have been possible.
I also take this opportunity to thank my friends, fans and family for all the love, prayers and good wishes for a Speedy Recovery!! Be home with you soon …….
Thank you once again sincerely,
Your very own OJB Jezreel.

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